"X is a New Contact through PI Software" email request to add WHO created the new user

5 votes

Hi! This request would mostly be helpful with big company clients, to add to the new software user email alert, besides their email address & user role but also WHO at the company created that user. Sometimes in large companies we don't know who to reach out to if that user has a tech issue, it would help with troubleshooting. A common issue is the new user's email has been misspelled by the creator & if we knew who created them, we could just reach out & let them know about error without trying to figure out who we should contact at client company.
Jane Smith is a new contact, related to This Company, that has been created through PI Software with a role of AccountAdmin by John Doe.

Please connect with Jane at jane.smith@thiscompany.com

Under Consideration Suggested by: Alicia Wassenberg Upvoted: 19 Oct, '23 Comments: 0

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